Emérgéntly Seed Spirals

Emérgéntly is a work in progress... through interdependent experimentation we are developing the "how tos"... watch this space.

Try sowing these 4 seeds before launching a project and and share your experiments with us.

Spiral Seeds

Seeds, when nourished, emerge into a new order, a new system. The Emérgéntly spiral is a nature-based, metaphorical framework that guides us toward emergent solutions and actions. These 4 Emérgéntly Seed Spirals will help re-mind your understandings of how we can better receive and apply Mother Nature's principles to our own challenges.

The seeds to sow for transformational change are:
Four Functions solidify whole systems thinking;
Four Values unify us to collaborate interdependently;
Four levels of Uncertainty transform how we adapt to complexity;
Four Eco-Ego principles energise us to be more eco-centric.

Unfolding Emergently* (10 minute video overview of the four Seed Spirals)

Functions Spiral

The metaphors: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, reflect the nature of action—the four interdependent functions of a whole system. More on the Functions Spiral.

Values Spiral

Values to explore when you, your team, your community need integrity reminders, holistic solutions and peaceful outcomes. More on the Values SpiralspiralInBullet   

Spiral Uncertainty Spiral Eco Ego

Uncertainty Spiral

Emérgéntly works best with Next Practice in the FIRE realm of high complexity and uncertainty. More on the Uncertainty SpiralspiralInBullet.

Eco-Ego Spiral

When EGOs understand that it's no longer about what I need...but rather, what the system needs... then diversity and interdependence allow the emergence of synergy! More on the Eco Ego SpiralspiralInBullet.

NEXT: Emergence Strategy Spiral (once the above seeds are sown)

This page (graphics and text) by Yoshimi & Jon Brett is marked with CC0 1.0 (OK to copy)