Example Projects

Eco projects go beyond ego-centric decision-making and become more sensitive to local context and the potential for global impact.

Gift 4 Nature

Over decades, Yoshimi and Jon Brett (co-creators of TetraMap and Emérgéntly) travelled globally to share TetraMap with anyone who would listen.  TetraMap was, in part, their 'climate action' as they believed that understanding and applying Nature's principles could heal our relationship with her and with each other.

The global scene made it clear to the Bretts that shifting mindsets about Nature's value was futile unless the distinctions between EGO and ECO were explored and admitted.  Committed to do something, they took action to replace their ego-centric lifestyle with more eco-focused disciplines.  This resulted in

  • the design and build of Tanglewood, an eco-home that considered Nature at every step of the way;
  • co-creating a framework, Emérgéntly, that extended their work from comms to systems-development;
  • creating their GIFT 4 NATURE project to match the cost of airfares with investment in Nature, effectively doubling the dollar cost of flying. 

Air Travel $Footprint = Reciprocity $Handprint

For a brief explanation of the logic behind the above equation, see Flight Emissions & Gift 4 Nature about their 2024-25 return trip Auckland-Sydney and their Gift 4 Nature to the Cockle Bay Restoration fund.

To offset Jon and Yoshimi's air travel for their 2023 round-the-world trip, they matched airfares dollar-for-dollar with donations that serve Nature. They ran through the Emérgéntly Process to explore how to implement this desire for reciprocity. Gift 4 Nature was the result with the Emérgéntly framework summarising the project design.

The Gift 4 Nature project invited 5 youths who J&Y visited in the USA and Germany.

Some of questions they explored with them:

  1. Values What was important for you to remember throughout this learning journey? What values kept you on track? (Auntie Y & Unc J's values are "Reciprocity-Interdependence-Synergy-Love")
  2. Potential Context in 2030 How old will you be? How much better will things be thanks to everyone understanding the power of RECIPROCITY and  HANDPRINTING?
  3. New Habits What new habits have or will you develop to keep us and Mother Nature healthy and happy?
  4. Reflection What was surprising/amazing?
MORE: Strategy...  Invitation... Outcomes...  Precession...

Integration Potential for TetraMap & Emérgéntly
(2 models created by the Bretts)

Yoshimi and Jon used the Emérgéntly Process to explore the potential synergy generated by integrating TetraMap and Emérgéntly. As proven for over 20 years, the initial understanding and experience of TetraMap demonstrates the significance of Nature as a metaphor and its utility in seeing self and others from different perspectives. Now more than ever, this understanding provides the foundation needed for humanity to trust that Nature's principles can save us from ourselves.  

The Emérgéntly Process requires trust in self, in each other and in Nature. TetraMap supports us to see how our human nature is firm, clear, calm and bright.  Emérgéntly builds on that, empowering us to make the shifts necessary to design and create regenerative futures for all of life.

The Emérgéntly process took about 5 hours spread over 2 days. Interestingly, on completing the Feedback Phase, a much clearer understanding of Purpose emerged. The purpose of integration is to:

Generate courage and trust in individual behavioural transformation
to seed emergent, regenerative leaders, systems and futures.

MORE:  Integration Actions...  Emérgéntly Process...

ZENET100 Voluntary Building Performance Standard

Zero energy-source Emissions and NET 100% On-Site Energy Generation/Consumption.

The plan is to create a Voluntary Building Standard for zero emissions and net 100% renewable energy per year. (Embodied carbon is not part of the standard.)

This is the WHY do this, not the HOW.


Arborlaria Tropical

A regenerative farm in Venezuela.

Our goal is the production of high purity vegetable oils for cosmetic, aesthetic, culinary, aromatic and medicinal use made from high quality raw materials. These raw materials are obtained from sustainable agroforestry crops and local food forests which allow the regeneration of deteriorated natural ecosystems, leading to the preservation of biodiversity and restoring the social fabric of the rural communities involved.


Nature Wisdom

A regenerative farm and school in Brazil.

Nature Wisdom is a project that envisions the transformation of people and their relationship with nature. By being in a natural environment and seeing us as nature, the project seeks to facilitate learning processes and awaken environmental awareness through experimentation and manual making.


Shift Mindsets: An Important Climate Action

The collective ‘we’ have ample evidence-based solutions to our climate emergency.  We also have a myriad of vested interests that deny the evidence and thus keep us embedded in mindsets that spiral us down rather than up. The purpose is to initiate a process that widens an upward regenerative path forward. Far better that the path is wide enough to invite a diversity values and beliefs that believe in a healthy, peaceful future for all of life.  Engaging this diversity requires us to consider HOW we engage our family, friends, communities and institutions by gently and defiantly catalysing Mindset Shifts.


NEXT: Resources