Integration Actions
The purpose of integration is to:
Generate courage and trust in individual behavioural transformation to seed emergent, regenerative leaders, systems and futures.
After running the Emérgéntly Process, the first action implemented was the Action 4.5: define new offerings mind map* of how Emérgéntly builds on TetraMap concepts and extends them into new areas of application.
The following sections summarise work in progress:
TetraMap: illustrates the diversity and interdependencies of human behaviour
A spiral IN from the team to the diversity and interdependencies of the team members.
Emérgéntly: illustrates the diversity and interdependencies of the systems we behave in.
A spiral OUT from the team (or system) to the diversity and interdependencies of the bigger context the team/system is nested within.
Emérgéntly simply shuffles TetraMap triangles to consistently illustrate any sequence of Elements in an anticlockwise spiral—like the example here where the Functions Spiral emerges from TetraMap.
Framework for Functions/Roles and Process
Both TetraMap and Emérgéntly represent an unfolded tetrahedron.
Both map the behaviour of a whole system.
Each is a metaphor, each with its own limitations. Neither are "scientifically proven" but both have strong "face validity".
TetraMap is an excellent bridge from polarised thinking (left/right, up/down, in/out) to whole systems thinking where everything is interdependent. Hence it is best to precede Emérgéntly, easing the transition to whole systems thinking.
- TetraMap metaphors are usually adjectives describing what the Elements ARE.
- The Elements are always arranged left to right in Earth, Air, Water, Fire.
- A linear sequence or TetraPath may follow a different order.
Emérgéntly avoids polarised thinking and instead, repeatedly spirals through interdependent Elements.
- Emérgéntly metaphors are usually verbs describing what the Elements DO (functions/roles)
- The Elements can be re-positioned to illustrate the sequence (process).
- A linear sequence is an anticlockwise spiral out from the middle.
Nature's Principles for Regenerative Sustainability
Both TetraMap and Emérgéntly recognise the fundamental principles of Diversity, Interdependence and Synergy. Emérgéntly adds Precession (side effects), stretching our responsibility beyond what we do ourselves, to include all consequences, both intended and unintended. In the TetraBottom Line of People, Planet, Profit, Legacy, responsibility for Legacy represents future side effects.
TetraMap illustrates Synergy with the 1 + 1 = 4 exercise, where one triangle plus one triangle can equal 4 triangles of the same size as the originals. Who wouldn't want that kind of productivity? The tetrahedron demonstrates it is possible.
Emérgéntly illustrates Synergy with 1 triangle plus a different triangle = 4 triangles, demonstrating that Diversity and Interdependence are prerequisites for Synergy. Only when one triangle forms a left-handed spiral, and the other a right-handed spiral, can they fit together to create a tetrahedron.
The Planning Process
The TetraMap and Emérgéntly planning processes are designed for very different situations. Emérgéntly is best when the desired outcome is very uncertain. Once desired outcomes become clear, TetraMap's Why are we doing this? is most useful and can be repeated for different outcomes.
Emérgéntly is best when the desired outcome is very uncertain.
- For example, when and how should we develop a new product/project?
- The desired outcome is framed as Energising, Solidifying, Unifying, Transforming.
- Is eco-centric, focusing on systemic relationships leading to making a difference for the Planet.
Once we know what to do, we can then envision what it will look like and why.
TetraMap Why Are We Doing This? engages people to contribute to the vision for a desired outcome.
- For example, when and how should we launch our latest product/project?
- The desired outcome is framed as Outputs, Systems, Culture, Image.
- Is ego-centric, focusing on personal relationships leading to team synergy.
Values Evolution
Post Covid, our values have evolved for deeper meaning and commitment. A sense of urgency to live these values now cannot be understated.
- Sustainability now also means REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT
- Transparency now also means TRUST DEEPLY
- Responsibility now also means TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PRECESSION
- Inter-dependence now also meansMY SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOUR SUCCESS
- Creativity now also means ADVENTURE
- Holism now also means WHOLE SYSTEMS THINKING
See also:
- Values Spiral (describes the four values vital for any eco-centric strategy, and how the above values emerged).
- Emérgéntly Lexicon (describes how some words have a specific meaning in the Emérgéntly context).