Eco Ego Spiral
Four imperatives for any eco-centric strategy:
Be Responsible This is the foundational value that solidifies all the others.
Be Trusting Trust the process, trust Nature, trust each other to collaborate and unify.
Be Creative Be courageous to energise opportunities amidst uncertainty.
Be Eco-Logical Transform ego-centric intentions into logical, whole-system strategies.
The above graphics and text by Yoshimi & Jon Brett are marked with CC0 1.0 (OK to copy)
Values Evolve & Emerge Gently
Six Values have guided us for over 25 years. Now, in the ‘next normal’, we share how they have evolved and adapted to meet our challenging times. Please consider these values, questions, and their significance to you personally. The closer we are to living shared values, the greater the acceleration toward a healthier future for all of life.
- Sustainability extends to REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT
Regenerative Development is an approach that encourages communities to support and create positive relationships that will benefit society and our environments by allowing the system to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances. This paradigm emerges from an ecological mindset by embracing uncertainty and change. From Regen Design, Melbourne University School of Design, 2019.
How might you better embrace uncertainty and change? - Transparency extends to TRUST DEEPLY
Being transparent, making promises, commitments, agreements will only thrive with trust that is open, honest, received and given with integrity.
Where and with who must you build trust? - Responsibility extends to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PRECESSION - the ripple effect consequences.
As we move away from laying blame and denying…let’s pay attention to the precessional outcomes we have or will catalyse.
What unintended, not so proud of… consequences have you catalysed? How can you redesign your behaviour for more ECO relationships with each other and Nature? - Inter-dependence extends to MY SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOUR SUCCESS and our success DEPENDS on Nature’s success.
Whose success do you depend on? What can Nature depend on you to do for her success...thus OUR success? - Creativity extends to letting go of certainty and and embracing ADVENTURE. 46 years ago - we met, sailed the Pacific on a 32 foot ferro-cement yacht, got halfway to the desired destination, lived in Japan for 2 years...all the time teaching and learning. We married in 1980 and have been on unconventional, experimental, often radical personal development adventures ever since.
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature ... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller
What's your next bold adventure that serves Nature and future gens?! - Holism extends to SYSTEMS-THINKING (or being Eco-Logical and seeking the logic of all the nested systems involved). To think and act systemically requires all of the above values reflected in a paradigm that emerges from ecological mindsets that embrace uncertainty and change.
What does the future look like for you and gens to come as you eco your ego, work interdependently, and embrace uncertainty & change?
NEXT: Functions Spiral
More on the Principles Spiral More on the Practices Spiral