
Gently Shift from Ego-Centric to Eco-Centric Strategies

Elements spiral emergently When strategising in times of uncertainty, use Emérgéntly to:

  • Shift from what I/we need, to what the ecology/system needs.
  • Aim for eco-centric, emergent outcomes (rather than ego-centric, desired outcomes).
  • Provide a framework for Next PracticespiralInBullet decision making when there is no Best Practice.
  • Facilitate processes that enable ecological, peaceful solutions to emerge gently.
  • Serve Nature.

Emergence is self-generating, and emergent systems exhibit synergistic effects. This is the nature of nature, where individual parts of an ecosystem interact to catalyze the unfolding of events and the creation of life. This emergent synergy is what feeds the aliveness and growth of the living-system.
From: Regenerative Leadership by Giles Hutchens & Laura Storm.

Emérgéntly sows seeds of understanding and action that generate trust in behavioural and mindset transformation. These seeds hold hope for the emergence of regenerative leaders, systems and futures.

Bridge the Gap Between Science and AI (Ancestral Intelligence)


Bridge the gap.
From connections,
solutions emerge.

More on the Emergence of AIspiralInBullet.

Why Emerge Gently?

The way Nature works is evolution, the process of emergence. So how do we change from destination planning to journey planning? Emérgéntly uses metaphor to distract the brain from linear thinking and to focus on the interdependencies of relationships. The hope is for the emergence of synergy and solutions that serve and restore Nature and the human connections that serve her.

Emérgéntly emerged from years of study and facilitating individuals, teams and organisations to understand the significance of Nature’s principles. Planning and strategising traditionally started by defining desired outcomes, envisioning the end result, then figuring out how to manifest it efficiently. Now, amidst multiple emergencies, it is imperative to first shift mindsets from siloed to systemic contexts. We can then plan holistically to catalyse solutions that emerge gently... boldly... often serendipitously.

Why Nature as a Metaphor?

[image]Nature I am, Nature we are.
Heal Nature, heal ourselves.
Heal ourselves, heal Nature.

Nature is our indigenous teacher, our AI – Ancestral Intelligence, filled with lessons that elegantly apply to challenges around getting along peacefully amidst ever-increasing chaos. She teaches us daily about the roles of biodiversity and interdependence in her ecological, connected systems. Nature does not waste, does not pollute. All of life adapts, contributes, is regenerative.

Nature shares her lessons with us through the 4 elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. These four elements are a common language understood by cultures around the world. Often accompanied by a fifth element, the metaphor may represent a combination of all elements or the bigger context that all elements exist within.

Why Triangles?

Triangles have no opposite sides or angles. The four triangles fold up into a three dimensional tetrahedron, a triangular based pyramid, which also has no opposite sides or angles. One face of the tetrahedron shares an edge with every other face, so they are all equally interconnected - equally interdependent.

The Emérgéntly triangular framework is essentially a map of the interdependent relationships between four unique elements. The tetrahedron is the way Nature works (see video).

In fact, there is an Emergence Theory that reality is built from tetrahedrons.

Why Spirals?

Spirals are a convention for showing action sequences that are not simple, straight-line, linear sequences. Like our climate, every year we cycle through the same seasons, but every year the weather acts differently... ever dynamic, sometimes spiralling through disaster to a new equilibrium. In fact, our planet is spiralling through the universe.

Another example is the Kolb Learning Cycle which is also described as a continuous spiral.

Emérgéntly spirals through four phases (labelled elements). Depending on the order, the elements are positioned in the Emérgéntly framework. By convention, the spiral travels anti-clockwise out from the centre, then into centre of the next spiral… why? 

Why the Verbs Energises, Solidifies, Unifies, Transforms?

Emérgéntly is about functions (or roles) — how/what the system as a whole, energises, solidifies, unifies and transforms, hopefully to a better reality that serves Nature. The functions and the relationships between them determine the outcomes.

What are Emérgéntly's Foundations?

Jon and Yoshimi Brett, in conjunction with friends, ecologists, architects, farmers...facilitators of change...created Emérgéntly as an extension of TetraMap which focuses on the nature of behaviour (human nature). The same principles apply to the nature of systems. Emérgéntly adds the dynamic spirals to focus on the evolution of relationships and their interdependencies for a better understanding of whole-systems thinking (what they call eco-logic). The Emérgéntly BackstoryspiralInBullet describes a rough chronological cast of characters and their theories that have influenced Emérgéntly.

To understand Emérgéntly, it is best to first understand the seed spirals: Principles, Eco Ego, Functions, Practices.

NEXT: Emérgéntly Seed Spirals (to seed emergence)

Text by Yoshimi & Jon Brett is marked with CC0 1.0 (OK to copy)