In emergency...
Nature energises us with evidence.
Evidence solidifies our eco-centric next-steps.
Our eco-centric next-steps unify our hopes and actions.
Our hopes and actions transform into emergent solutions.
Gently Shift from Ego-Centric to Eco-Centric Strategies
When strategising in times of uncertainty, use the Emérgéntly free resources to:
- Shift from what I/we need, to what the ecology/system needs.
- Aim for eco-centric, emergent outcomes (rather than ego-centric, desired outcomes).
- Provide a framework for Next Practice decision making when there is no Best Practice.
- Facilitate processes that enable ecological, peaceful solutions to emerge gently.
- Serve Nature.
What is Emérgéntly?
Emérgéntly is an approach, framework, resources and processes for teams to navigate complex situations, enabling sustainable solutions to emerge, ideally, gently.
The Approach Energises
Emérgéntly is an energising, ecological approach that explores how diverse and interdependent relationships work best.
The Framework Unifies
The framework unifies science and ancestral intelligence, using the four elements of Nature as a cross-cultural metaphor to explore how systems function.
The Resources Solidify
The video, slideshow and document resources solidify abstract relationships into easily visualised diagrams that spiral in for depth of meaning, or spiral out for a wider perspective.
The Processes Transform
The processes transform our ego-centric, opposites-based, linear thinking into eco-centric, interdependence-based, spiral thinking.
NEXT: Why Emerge Gently?
Graphics and text by Yoshimi & Jon Brett is marked with CC0 1.0 (OK to copy)
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